Shorter review here because almost everyone says the same things but here it is: Not worth the cost. Restaurants this highly priced bring an expectation of exceptional flavor and atmosphere. The Melting Pot clearly tries, but clearly fails, to meet these expectations. Pros- Name recognition. Friendly, if a wee bit jaded, staff. Excellent Locale. Very good Atmosphere Cons- Price is exceptional, flavor is well below average. Rather pretentious. Honestly, I think The Melting Pot is a place that you would take perspective investors to present your portfolio over dinner. The food won't distract you from your actual agenda, and the presentation checks all the boxes for a fancy corporate dinner. There is definitely a place for this type of dinner, just not really in my life.
This is a great place to eat. This is a fondue place and it does take some time. The last time we went we did get an average server. Normally the service is awesome. That said I believe you will enjoy it.