Go there if you don't want to learn... We had to do a review of what we learned last year in MAY! And the principal is not someone you can trust. A kid bit another kid and the recess teacher just said don't do that! And the same kid choked another kid and only got a brief talking to. A kid spits on girls and disrupts the class and the teachers don't handle anything except getting on the kids about learning self control! And they just say that bullying isn't good over and over again and I got picked on the same kid for half of the year for being afraid of germs! And please don't get me started on having ten minutes to eat! And If your child is going into the 4th grade remember that there is a teacher who calls work that your child does "Junk." She makes the kids afraid of turning in their work because if it's "Too early" She yells at them. My homework took me 3 hours each night because I was scared if she would pick on me about it. And on a test I got every problem wrong except the hardest one and she put me in lower math group. And in math class I asked for some help on a problem but she refused to help me because everyone else didn't need help. And my mom tried to talk to the principal about this and she just said " Okay I will look into it" And nothing changed! Horrible school!
REMS was an amazing school for me. It was much better than my previous school. I was placed in the discovery program and that has honestly been a life saver for me. The curriculum was built for the students in the program. I made numerous new friends who think like I do and developed a family who was there for me whenever I needed them. I'm still very close with the friends today. The voyages may seem threatening at first, but in the end, they pull students closer together, even though they may be hard. These trips teach students things without the four walls of a classroom. REMS made me realize that "learning" isn't always sitting an memorizing things:it's about experiencing them first hand. REMS was a life changer for me, and I hope you give your students a chance here.