Standard meritage homes, well built but with cheap material. Good for those pretending to be rich. The carpentry varies house to house. Framing is universally bad. The framing crews rarly speak English. This does not speak to their character, but to the fact that they have never been taught how to frame from and English speaking person who passed the United listing test, which is only offered in English during the time period in there mentors would have had to have passed it. The UL test is no longer required thanks deregulation. If you are lucky some of the subsequent trades will make your out of plumb out of square house decent despite the framing.
Standard meritage homes, well built but with cheap material. Good for those pretending to be rich. The carpentry varies house to house. Framing is universally bad. The framing crews rarly speak English. This does not speak to their character, but to the fact that they have never been taught how to frame from and English speaking person who passed the United listing test, which is only offered in English during the time period in there mentors would have had to have passed it. The UL test is no longer required thanks deregulation. If you are lucky some of the subsequent trades will make your out of plumb out of square house decent despite the framing.